Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tuna Fish Benefits for families Health

By >> missaline

Tuna Fish Benefits for families Health – Fish is one of a healthy diet. Fish is recommended for consumption as a source of good fats, especially Omega 3. And when we talk about fish, then the name of tuna fish to be one type of fish that we remember. Tuna is a source of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids that are important to our health. Also, tuna is also rich in protein. Various studies conducted tuna associate with a variety of health benefits, ranging from its role in maintaining heart health and even to cancer prevention.
Tuna is known as a source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Also, tuna is also including a healthy diet rich in nutrients because it is a good source of protein, are also high in potassium and vitamin B. All essential nutrients in tuna, so making it one of the best food for health.
Because tuna is rich in Omega 3, then these healthy fatty acids helps the optimal functioning of the heart, by lowering bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol, preventing blood clots in the blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure to ensure optimal heart health and stroke prevention.

Tuna consumption is also associated with the prevention and treatment of arthritis and pain. Also, as mentioned earlier, tuna is a source of protein and thus helps in increasing metabolism, making the body burn fat, as well as providing raw material for nail growth, skin, blood, and other internal organs.
The study also linked the intake of tuna with a reduced risk of cancer, such as for example breast cancer. In addition, tuna assist in maintaining healthy eyes. Through the intake of tuna, one also can keep the brain functioning optimally, reducing the risk of Alzheimer\'s or dementia. Thus, the tuna is a fish with a big role in helping a person live a healthy life.
So, immediately enter the tuna in your healthy diet and get benefits for your health.


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